Our Art Eye Gallery

A case of 42 years old man who lost his right eye due to injury. He developed infection in his eye and due to which his right was removed by his surgeon.
He was referred to us for custom ocular prosthesis.
A Custom Prosthesis was made and fitted in his right eye socket to math with his other eye.

A case of 20 years old girl who was victim of Acid Attack. She lost her right eye due to severe chemical injury. Her Oculoplastic Surgeon had to remove the eye. She got ocular prosthesis after taking the impression of her contracted eye socket. She was very happy with the results.

A case of 65 years old man who underwent Left Eye Exenteration due to choroidal melanoma. He was fitted with carefully made Spectacle Mounted Orbital Prosthesis to hide his surgical defect and provide them satisfactory results.

A case of 18 years old boy who met with an accident and hurt his right eye. Even after several surgeries & medical treatment his eye can not be saved. With due coarse of time his right eye got shrunk and discolored.
A thin Scleral Shell was made for him and fitted over the same shrunken eye to provide him most natural look.
He was very comfortable with the shell and got confidence back to face his friends & family.

A case of 45 years old lady who had corneal ulcer in her eye due to unknown cause. Despite medical treatment and later on cornea transplant her eye got shrunk and she left with only cosmetic treatment. She was fitted with well matched Art Eye to cosmetically rehabilitate her. She was able to live quality of life post prosthesis fitting.

A Case of 26 years old girl who got injured by sharp pencil in childhood.
She came across one of our patient in her college who referred her to art Eyes for custom Cosmetic Scleral Shell.
She was counseled about the treatment and fitted a very thin custom scleral shell for her cosmetic enhancement.
She took around one week to adapt her new shell was more confident after this treatment.

Another case of Anophthalmos. She was operated for her right and eye was removed surgery and an orbital implant was placed in her eye socket. She was fitted with an custom Art Eye with Excellent Movement.

A case of 6 years old boy who was hit by Arrow while playing with his brother during “Dussehra” an Indian festival. His eye got shrunk and later an Art Eye was made for him to give him natural look. He uses this Art Eye which is No Need to Remove Everyday.

A case of 20 years old girl who lost her eye due to “Glaucoma”. She visited Art Eyes for cosmetic Rehabilitation. After her thorough eye examination a Corneal Sparing Scleral Shell was made & fitted in her eye. She was very comfortable & happy with the results and wanted to choose this profession as a career now.

A case of 5 years old girl who was diagnosed Right eye Retinoblastoma
Her surgeon has to remove her eye to save her life.
She was referred to us cosmetic treatment. We counseled her parents about the need of an Custom Artificial Eye and its minimal care & maintenance.
We fitted a custom Art Eye in her right eye to match the size, shape & color so that she look normal.
Her parents were very happy and we could also notice tears in their eyes.

A case of 3 month old girl who was diagnosed Right eye Congenital Microphthalmos.
She was referred to us for management of microphthalmos.We started her treatment with series of conformers which were gradually increased with the time and her age.
We were able to fit a custom Art Eye in her right eye to match the size, shape & color so that she look normal at her age of 11 months.

A case of 46 years old male who met with a road accident in Manipur. He lost his right eye and few parts of lower lid. We made a custom ocular prosthesis first but due to loss of lower lid it was not looking very nice. In second step we took the impression of patient’s lower lid and crafted a small lower lid with some extended skin made in silicone and attached it to the prosthesis. Final outcome was very satisfactory.