• 08
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  • 2015

What Exactly is an Artificial Eye?

An Artificial Eye is a replacement for a natural eye lost because of injury or disease. Although the replacement cannot provide sight, it fills the cavity of the eye socket and serves as a cosmetic enhancement.
  • 08
  • May
  • 2015

Today the topic we wanted to discuss is what exactly is an artificial eye?

Well in reality there is a major amount of population who have no idea of the existence of the artificial eye. If we look back into the history, artificial eyes were made of glass and worn with the help of a band. But in today’s time, an artificial eye is made of PMMA acrylic, which is a medical grade plastic, approved for the same purpose. This acrylic eye is placed between the two eyelids and it sticks onto the eye with a suction created by the tears in the eye.
  • 08
  • May
  • 2015

Now comes another common question… is it permanent???

The answer is no. It is a permanent solution for your eye condition but the acrylic artificial eye is like a shell and it can be removed as and when the patient wants. In fact as ocularists we recommend the patients to remove the artificial eye once in a month to clean it. Like we said earlier too, an artificial eye does not provide vision but it helps improve the cosmesis of the one eyed patients and thus helps improve the patient’s social and emotional state.